So Yesterday,Went With My Bro & Uncle To Watch A Movie,The Warlords,Firstly We Went To Vivocity But Cos I UNder 16 So Cannot Watch,So Kena Rejected lor,so Nevermind We Decided To Go Around ,I Went into Challenger but there Dont HAve The Game That I want the MOSt,So After Thinking & Thinking,The Three Of US Decided To Try A Neighborhood Cinema,I WOnt Say Where,So After Going into This Cinema,Bought The Tickets & Went In The Watched The Warlords,I Totally Loved ThE Movie Alot Of Pang Jing Yun(Jet Li),Er-Hu(Andy Lau),San-Hu(Takeshi......(NAme Cannot Be Remembered) In The End All Die,The Story OF This Movie Is,NO MAtter HOW Great & Talented You Are,As Long As You Dont HAve A Backing,IN Chinese Culture,MEans YOu Will Just HAve To Die,So Thats HOw All Three Brothers Die,Killing Each Other,While The Bosses Behind See Them Die,Sad Case Though BUt NOw,Reality Oso The Same Always Have A Strong BAcker- My Ratings Are 8/10!Quite Bloody Though Jet Li Swing HIs Spear & Many MAny Men IN One Row Their Legs All Gone!!

So After The Army Museum,MI Family & I Went Back To The East Side Of Singapore,To Go To This Restaurant To Celebrate Mi Grandmother's 69th Birthday!!!!!!Went To This Restaurant Full Of Crabs......Sell Many Many Many Crabs,Its SOmwhere Near Simpang Bedok,Beside It Is A Big BIg Big Long KAo(Drain),The NAme Of The Restaurant Is Called Big Eater,........So Everyone Had Their Hands Dirty Because Of The Crabs Xcept For Me Cos I Dont Eat Crabs!!!!Save Me The Trouble Of The Plucking...Dirtying Hands,Dude Their Totally Weird Walking Sideways Freaks!!!!!In The Photos,The Old Couple Is Mi Grandmother & Grandfather While The Baby Is Our Family's latest Cousin That I Have!!Joyce!!!,Still Got Alot Of Baby Fats,Actually There Was Suppose To Have 7 Cousin But 2 Of Them ,Their Family MOved To ChiCago,For 5 Years I Think So cannot See Them Lor,My Family Bought the Cake From The 1st Hans,There,Where It Began To Make It Busineess At Yishun Far Right????Too Bad The Cake We Bought,The ADults Dunno How TO Eat It Only The YOUNGER Generation Knows HOw To Appreciate Choco Truffle,All Excpet For Joyce Ate The Cake Lol
I Think I Kinda Owe Everyone A Quite Long Post,lol

Last Sunday;
I Went With Mi Family To The ARMY Museum ,Went There Because There Was Free Admission UNtil The End Of The Year,So We Decided To Better Chiong There As Quick,Singaporean What,Free-Die Die Must Chiong(MY Family's A Typical Singaporean)So We Went All The Way To Joo Koon There,Which Is Near The SAFTI Military Institute Where Many Many Soldiers Go There....blah blah blah.....Enlisted......So The Army Museum Was Open My Family & I Went INside There,Write MI Names INside....For Security Reasons...Scared Terrorists Steal Info From A few Lousy,Broken Tanks,Cars....Guns......Learn Alot About Singapore Army History,There Were 2 Clips(Short Movies)Both Of Them Were About Singapore NS Men All Looking So Happy,Proud Of Defending Their Own Country.....NO Soldier Was Sulking.....All About The Bright Side OF NS!!!!!(I'm NOt Against NS,IN Fact I Could Hardly Wait)Thats Why I JOined NPCC To Make Myself Prepared From Ugly Looking,MOnstroty MOsters Like Ah-Hem*(I Won't Say Who But to THat Person,(I wish U Know Who U Are,Lemme Tell U THIs,I HATE YOU!!!!!) :P Phew let Off Some Fury!!!!!!


LOL These Links Must Go!!!,Damn Funny Larh,So Singaporean!!!!,Look Around There For MOre To Look!!!!!!


Dudes For Guys!!!!A Must Watch For NS,Its Darn Important!!!!!!!!!

Dudes!!!!! Watch This Piece Of Xrap Man!!!!,Dick Lee's Freak Song-Count On Him Singapore!!!!!


Shadow Of The Day

OMG just totally love Likin Park Alot Lor,I Just Loveeee The Whole Minutes To Midnight & Hybrid Theory Albums By Linkin Park,Now Even Got Special Edition,Minutes To Midnight,Decided To Save Money To Really Buy It,I Even LEarning HOw To PLay Some Likin PArk SOngs,Anything Linkin PArk,Its Worth It!!!!1

Shadow Of The Day's Lyrics

i closed both locks below the window
i closed both blinds and turn away
sometimes solutions aren't so simple
sometimes goodbye's the only way

and the sun will set for you
the sun will set for you

and the shadow of the day
will embrace the world in grey
and the sun will set for you

in cards and flowers on your windows
your friends all plead for you to stay
sometimes beginnings aren't so simple
sometimes goodbye's the only way


and the shadow of the day
will embrace the world in grey
and the sun will set for you

and the shadow of the day
will embrace the world in grey
and the sun will set for you


HIHI ehhh Yesterday went to my nieces & Nephews Because,I Have Another New Newphew!!!!!!!Just Gave Birth,NOw 2 Weeks Old,still quite young,small,Blah blah blah,I Even Recorded a Video,NOthing Much To Do,Wow U See That White Car?????Its damn Nice Lor Sports Car leh->Mazda Rx8,Cool Right????


Hey Hey Long Time I NEver write a post le cos i was like taking a break form blogging & Watching Bleach Full Time,25 Episodes A day NOw Currently At Episode 124,Where Ichigo Fighting To Surpress His Hollow,LOL alot of YOu All MOst lIKELY Dont KNow What I'm Talking About,Anyways,1 Weeks Ago Got NEw Newphew!!!!!YAy ! Another ONe HAppy Happy,NOw I HAve 3 NEwphews & 2 Nieces BIg BIg Family!!!!!My NEwest COusin,JOyce Oso VEry Big Le can BEgin To Stand!!!!!Actually I HAD alot to tell but i Kninda Forgot Everything The LAst Few Days,OH YEah While I Was At The BUs-Stop Today,I saw the bus stop ad & Guess What?????Can YOU Gags see Who Is IN THe Photo????ITS Jerry LOr


lol,while surfing the net,came on this website,shows alot of dumb & Funny stuffs,heres a little of what it put,nah the website-rather lame lah but i now mth much to do,http://members.iinet.com.au/~cwills/rtwfun1.html


1) Run one lap around the office at top speed.
2) Groan out loud in the bathroom cubicle (at least one other 'non-player' must be in the bathroom at the time).
3) Ignore the first five people who say 'good morning' to you.
4) Phone someone in the office you barely know, leave your name and say "Just called to say I can't talk right now. Bye".
5) To signal the end of a conversation, clamp your hands over your ears and grimace.
6) Leave your zipper open for one hour. If anyone points it out, say,"Sorry, I really prefer it this way".
7) Walk sideways to the photocopier.
8) While riding an elevator, gasp dramatically every time the doors open.


9) Say to your boss, "I like your style" and shoot him with double-barrelled fingers.
10) Babble incoherently at a fellow employee then ask "Did you get all that, I don't want to have to repeat it".
11) Page yourself over the intercom (do not disguise your voice).
12) Kneel in front of the water cooler and drink directly from the nozzle (there must be a 'non-player' within sight).
13) Shout random numbers while someone is counting.


14) At the end of a meeting, suggest that, for once, it would be nice to conclude with the singing of the national anthem (extra points if you actually launch into it yourself).
15) Walk into a very busy person's office and while they watch you with growing irritation, turn the light switch on/off 10 times.
16) For an hour, refer to everyone you speak to as "Bob".
17) Announce to everyone in a meeting that you "really have to go do a number two".
18) After every sentence, say 'mon' in a really bad Jamaican accent. As in "the report is on your desk, mon". Keep this up for one hour.
19) While an office mate is out, move their chair into the elevator.
20) In a meeting or crowded situation, slap your forehead repeatedly and mutter, "Shut up, damn it, all of you just shut up!".
21) At lunchtime, get down on your knees and announce "As God is my witness, I'll never go hungry again".
22) In a colleagues diary, write in 10am: "See how I look in tights".
23) Carry your keyboard over to your colleague and ask "You wanna trade?".
24) Repeat the following conversation 10 times to the same person:"Do you hear that?" "What?""Never mind, it's gone now".
25) Come to work in army fatigues and when asked why, say, "I can't talk about it".
26) Posing as a maitre d', call a colleague and tell him he's won a lunch for four at a local restaurant. Let him go.
27) Speak with an accent (French, German, Porky Pig, etc) during a very important conference call.
28) Find the vacuum and start vacuuming around your desk.
29) Hang a two-foot long piece of toilet roll from the back of your pants and act genuinely surprised when someone points it out.


Yay!!!Finally Holidays Le....So Happy,filled with joy & Freedom,sry i long time never blog le :P.Now Waiting for someone to give me back a reply to work as a worker,giving out flyers,& I will be attending Guitar Classes From now on,dunno if i'm gonna be happy or what,quite excited but i scared the theory which i hears its like damn lame & Boring,Firsty need to learn the normal Guitar then i shall Learn Electric Guitar.Well I Oso Actually Tot of Going Of Japanese Classes,see see if anyone interested to look for one centre,my house nearby aint got any jap schools only Korean schools.....then only Jap School That i know its at Changi & at Jurong Area there,so rather hard to get there,so i now looking for private one lor or maybe even the CCs lors?!?!?!?!Today i gave the subject thingy to the school,scared & Worried that i might choose the wrong subjects lor.well,i have 2 months more then i will have to wear long pants,BOOOOOO!!!!!hate long pants!!!!!!!so Warm Inside,I HATE IT!!!!!!!!!DAmmit lors Then i will have to tuck in my uniform,SHIT,those who knows me,i always tuck out my shirt the & i will have to iron the uniform cos its tucked in & will create 'Wrinkles'

The Flipside Lyrics-The Click Five

Flipside Lyrics

It's been a long long time since everything was cool
I shoulda seen it coming but i guess i'm not the only fool
there's something growin on the outside
too much missin on the inside
should i waste my time and let you lead me on and on
and on and on?

waiting for the day when i'm complete
without you i'm
doing what i can to let you be
making sure there's nothing showing on the outside
something's dying on the inside
i'm still broken but i'm free
i'll see you on the flipside

i've got a bruised up heart
but i'm still hanging out
i should take it easy but i'm still gonna get around
there's something growing on the outside
too much missing on the inside
should i waste more time when everything is done

and done and overdone

waiting for the day when i'm complete
without you i'm
doing what i can to let you be
making sure there's
nothing showing on the outside
somethings dying on the inside
i'm still broken but i'm free
i'll see you on the flipside

i'll see you on the flipside
nothing showing on the outside
somethings dying on the inside
waiting for the day when i'm complete
doing what i can to let you be
nothing showing on the outside
somethings dying on the inside
i'm still broken but i'm free
i'll see you on the flipside


Sunday was one damn fuck crazy & tiring Day Cos i was With My dad,Cycling like siao!!!,Firstly At 3pm,my dad & I went to cycle.OUr Home was at Paya Lebar,so my dad & I Cycled from Paya Lebar at 1st but then we went to Bedok Reservoir,but after both of us reached there we both felt not tired enught so we both decided to got Pasir Ris,Our Next Destination,but when we reached Pasir Ris,Still Not Tired,Cycled For 2hrs already,so we both decided to cycled to Changi Airport,Which was Crazy,but we both still cycled there,when we reached there,its about 6pm,nid to be home to eat at &pm,But went we both reach there my dada & I Althought abit tired,We Decied To cycled All the way To Marine Parade,so we both cycled like xiao lang,espically my dad & I were beside the airport Runway.Cycle There its like suicide man,Damn Fucking Long!!!!!!!!!Took 45Minutes at full speed to reach the end of the runway,but that was not the end,we still had to take the road to Marine Parade,which was damn Dangerous,Cycling at the high way lor,its damn Dangerous & Scary.After Cycling to Marine Parade,We Finally Managed to cycled home Safetly,Fun Lor

School,had some boring lectures about road safety,not to cycle in Expressways,After school,i Went to play soccer With Azlan,Dinnie,Daimain,Jonathan Kwok,David Phoon,Daryl Chua,Sherwin,Taukif,Fearul,Arron.......al
lot more.Had abit Of Training & A Match,kinda lost,2-0,but the shot that Sherwin was not sure,so we all take it as no goal.Lol Azlan Keep On Asking Me to push up.Was Damn Fun Lor,Its Not 11 Guys Chasing after a ball!!!!


UG day!

Lol Yesterday(Friday)was a very very dirty dirty day cos All the UGs(Uniformed Groups)went to this UG Day where everyone mixes with other ppl.was damn fun llah,we all in the field roll inside the mud!!!!!!!So Muddy cos be4 that i rained.Then Everyone played Mud War Where everyone would throw each other Mud,Lol Haikal Was the worst lor everyone throw mud at him,i was also filled with alot of Mud!!!!Stupid Liyana threw Mud on my face!!!!!!!Well,Take It as facial lors?!?!?!?stupid juniors too throw throw at everyone,then that Eldrich keep putting his muddy hand prints on ppl's butt,So WTF.so during the skit was damn Fun,But SOME PEOPLE PANG SEH not me,but the whole UG group,which Is,N.N!!!!!!!!!!!!This Time You Mass PS OK?I love the NPCC skit & Campfire MUHAHAHAHAHA GB took our idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Shi Jie's colleague is Lilian while Wei Liang's colleague Is Mandy,Working together,Pang Shi Jie Is the Tain Shi(angel)(but In chinese Its Shit From The sky)YAY!!!NPCC WON THE MOST funniest Skit,SEE?TabS!!!i Tell YOu to Aim for second U dont want,see thats for being too greedy,BB the skit was GAY cos Jasmine was kirby,LOL BB no Girls,The Most Particapation award Goes to NCDCC cos They were the only group to have audience particapation.Ohh Yeah I won An Award Too for the top4 UG groups!!whie N.N has 2nd(sliver)LOL shake shake hand with Mr Ong.Zacki Was There but he was rather neutral that day,(phew)So NPCC kena made to clean the toilets,Dammmit!Stinky Mud everywhere,But Managed to clean up the place,Ajilansha said Zacki Was quite happy for the cleaning Of the toilets(another Phew) If Next Year Have this hor I really Want to go again lor I dont mind Dirtying my clothes!!!!!!!IT WAs Damn Fun,Throwing 'SHIT' At everyone,Joel Lim Was the most cleanest there?!?!?!?!?Darren's Bro Was there too then i oso throw shit at him!!!!!!Fun lars?!?!?!?!I want to go another TimE!!!!


UG Games Day

so....lol my tag board became so Sharonish?!?!?!?!anyways yesterday i went for the skit training,where the NPCC sec 1&2 have to go & perform in the school for this campfire night.The Topic Is about -The Anchor Of Intergrity,Lame right?!?!?So we all Had Alot Of Fun Where i would play as the BB(Bad Boy)With Zaheer which we would bully the small Sec1 boy!!Fun Lah,play play play So Ltr I will be Like Going To school To act & PLay,NPCC Is so Gonna Trash GB,BB & NCDCC MUHAHAHAHAHA, NPCC(National Phua Chu Cheng) Roxs!!!!!!!!


Finally I'm Gonna be in Express!!

Yay!!I'm Finally Got My results Its rather okok lah except i had only failed one subject-Chinese,Which its like o Wtf OUR Whole Class Failed The Compo Which Its Like suicidal None Of Us Could Pass......So WTF,While The rest Of the Subjects I passsed I Like My Maths Paper 2 I got 32/50 Which is like to me thre best i ever Had in secondary School,So Today Finally Got The ClaSS pHOTO,Many Many Photographs Except For Dawn & Zane. So Happy too Yesterday Just Received $4 Macdonald's Voucher,from Ms Chia Cos Me,Dylan & Arjun Are Kind,Helpful & Loving Souls That Make This Foul World A Better Place,By Teaching The younger Generation Excel In Their Exams(PSLE)See?!?!?!I So Good Right?I Belive I Must Have Came From Heaven!!!Oh Yeaah I'm Staying In Express Stream!!!So Happy but I dunno Whether I can Get My Wanted Subjects! Look At 2J's Class Photos!!!So Nice!2J Rocks!Excpet Sally Wasnt Here,but u look at Dawn & Just Imagine abit & she will look like Sally le Lor!!!Long Lost Sisters!!! Subjects.A-Maths,E-Maths,Chemistry........alot alot!!!!Can You Practice What You Preach?!?!?!?!Look At The PhotoS!!!!!2J Rocks!!E

Finally I'm Gonna be in Express!!

Yay!!I'm Finally Got My results Its rather okok lah except i had only failed one subject-Chinese,Which its like o Wtf OUR Whole Class Failed The Compo Which Its Like suicidal None Of Us Could Pass......So WTF,While The rest Of the Subjects I passsed I Like My Maths Paper 2 I got 32/50 Which is like to me thre best i ever Had in secondary School,So Today Finally Got The ClaSS pHOTO,Many Many Photographs Except For Dawn & Zane. So Happy too Yesterday Just Received $4 Macdonald's Voucher,from Ms Chia Cos Me,Dylan & Arjun Are Kind,Helpful & Loving Souls That Make This Foul World A Better Place,By Teaching The younger Generation Excel In Their Exams(PSLE)See?!?!?!I So Good Right?I Belive I Must Have Came From Heaven!!!Oh Yeaah I'm Staying In Express Stream!!!So Happy but I dunno Whether I can Get My Wanted Subjects.A-Maths,E-Maths,Chemistry........alot alot!!!!


Ops I forgot!!

Ehh Today I got Nothing Much To post Because I kinda Forgot wat & where Did I go On Saturday & Yesterday,I Knew It Was A fun Day But I cannot Seriously Remember!so Too Bad Lors I cannot remember Even How Hard I try.

Don't Lie's Lyrics:

Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry
Hey, baby my nose is getting big
I noticed it be growing when I been telling them fibs
Now you say your trust's getting weaker
Probably coz my lies just started getting deeper
And the reason for my confession is that I learn my lesson
And I really think you ought to know the truth
Because I lied and I cheated and I lied a little more
But after I did it I don't know what I did it for
I admit that I have been a little immature
Fucking with your heart like I was the predator
In my book of lies I was the editor
And the author
I forged my signature
And now I apologise for what I did to you
Cos what you did to me I did to you

No,no, no, no baby, no, no, no, no don't lie
No, no, no, no, yeah, you know, know, know, know, you gotta try
What you gonna do when it all comes out
When I really see you & what you're all about

No, no, no baby, no, no, no, no don't lie
Yeah, you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, you gotta try

She said I'm leaving
Cos she can't take the pain
It's hard to continue this love it ain't the same
Can't forget the things that I've done inside her brain
Too many lies committed too many games
She feeling like a fool getting on the last train
Trying to maintain but the feeling won't change
I'm sorry for the things that I've done and what I became
Caught up in living my life in the fast lane
Blinded by lights, cameras, you know the fame
I don't know the reason why I did these things

And I lie and I lie and I lie and I lie
And now our emotions are drained
Cos I lie and I lie and a little lie lie
And now your emotions are drained

No, no, no, no baby, no, no, no, no don't lie (no, don't you lie)
No, no, no, no, yeah, you know, know, know, know, you gotta try (got to try, got to try)
What you gonna do when it all comes out (what you gonna do baby)
When I really see you & what you're all about
Nonono babe, no, no, no, no don't lie
Because you know, you know, you know, you know, you know, gotta try

Ooh ooh ooh, ooh ooh ooh ooh
Ba da ba da ba da ba da badabada

Yo, I'm lying to my girl
Even though I love her
And she all in my world
I give her all my attention and diamonds & pearls
She's the one who makes me feel on top of the world
Still I lie to my girl, I do it

And I lie and I lie and I lie till there's no turning back
I don't know why, (and I lie and I lie till I don't know who I am)


Lol Cute Video About-My First Crush


Balls Of Fury

I'm Back!!!After Watching A movie-Balls Of Fury! Dumb Show But i Find It Too fast,Still Like LOTR the most cos like the movie,Story cast...........anyways Balls Of Fury is quite dumb but nice,Lol the Dragon Is so China.....I like the blind man.I went To watch with me,Jon Ng,AL,AO,Sharon,Ranjeeta,Jedi & Selene.........then after the show me & Ng went bck home cos Ng Need To celebrate his dad's Birthday & I hate being the only guy!



HAS!!!!Its Finally freedom,exams are finally over,i feel more pressure in my head cos if the results.Today to me,the math paper was like hard & quite some question didn't do at all.
Finally have no more exams!!Sry hor i haven't blog a while cos i too lazy 'studying'(Playing Computer Games)Finally over got time to play my com More & Play PS2,play play play,Pang Gang!!!!


Black Eyed Peas+Inconsolable-backstreet boys

Nah!Here You Gags Go Black Eyed Peas-Where Is The Love,Found it nice so post it.
Can you practice what you preach,Can you practice what you preach,Can you practice what you preach,Can you practice what you preach,Can you practice what you preach?& yeah today had A science paper,look what my mom got?If U dunno what it is???its a limited edition branded edition,Designer,from London,sell at e-bay can sell for few hundreds although my mom got it free. okok lah then this week's song-Inconsolable By Backstreet Boys

Inconsolable Lyrics

I close the door
Like so many times, so many times before
Filmed like a scene on the cutting room floor
I wanna let you walk away tonight without a word

I try to sleep, yeah
But the clock is stuck on thoughts of you and me
A thousand more regrets unraveling
OOoh, if you were here right now,
I swear I'd tell you this

Baby I don't wanna waste another day
Keepin it inside, it's killing me
Cause all I ever wanted comes right down to you (to you)
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you, every time you leave
I'm inconsolable

I climb the walls, yeah
I can see the edge,
But I can't take the fall, no
I've memorized the number
So why can't I make the call
Maybe cause I know you'll always be with me
In the possibility


No, no, no

I don't wanna be like this
I just wanna let you know
That everything I hold in
Is everything I can't let go (oooh, can't let go)



Don't you know it baby
I don't wanna waste another day
I wish that I could find the words to say
Baby I would tell you, every time you leave
I'm inconsolable

Yeah, yeah, yeah
Oooh, I'm inconsolable
Whoaa yeah
I'm inconsolable



Yes! The Day I've waiting for the half of the year has came!!!Its The Converse Sale!!I Just Came Back From The sale,Spent $214 in total.Total Bought 4 outing Shoes & 1 School shoe(wonder if i can wear cos its like the color hor......its like issit acceptable?!?!)so i choing straight away as soon i heard that there was a converse sale.Actually I had alot to buy in my mind lor but due to the $$$$$ so no choice,had to buy these few shoes lor,I love converse!!!!! I actually had a nice & cool Pair of Converse Shoe the lor but kenna stolen,WTF i HATe that person who stole my shoe,so today i bought the same designs,same coluor watever ,everything the same!!I also bought some Nice T-Shirts,Pants,Shoe Lace,Socks.......many more lah,Converse Things Worth $214,Its Worth It cos I'm A converse Fan!!!!!!!


Never Undeestimate Joel

hEY!Never Never Underestimate Joel Lim Okies?!?!?!?!?!Hes Capable Of Jamming The Whole Traffic System Of Singapore,Pro Right?!?!?!?!Seee It All Started Out As a Normal Day,After The Maths Paper Which Was Abit Hard But Still Can Ta-Han,Become A VEry Exciting & Pai-Seh Day For Me & Joel.Seee,While Talking To Joel Normal,He Accidentally Pushed The Emergency Button In The MRT,Then The Whole Train Stop,At Simei & Loudspeaker Comes Out Saying-"Cabin 07422,is everything alright?????then lol som many staff of the MRT & Some Policemen came in lol scary lah.they All Thought It was A Bomb Or Something,Then Joel Explained & I went out with them,They Recorded Joel's Particulars.....They Say They Wont Report Or Call His Parents,Just To Record Down.So then After recording Me & Joel took the train Bck l damn Pai-seh ,but was kinda Funny.


2 Good news

hey i'm bck!!!!ehhh today got 2 good news!!!!!!!!,i'm getting another nephew in another 2 months or so,so i'm kinda excited,new nephew again now got 2 nephews,2 nieces,so now got 3nephews & 2 nieces.so happy agian but still dunno the name.Yesterday i went to attend my Uncle's wedding Yay got a new Aunt.:Poso there got good food to enjoy,expensive stuff ok,it was held in Sheraton Hotel,very luxurious the,so grand,the ceiling so shiny,shine till ur eyes can go blind for staring there like a dumb arse.it was damn nicely posh lor,think hor if the glass break sure pek-chek the might as well just jump off the window liao.The Food was okok lah,can eat,(its Expensive Stuff)like expensive fish,shark fin but i'm a kinda Anti-Shark Fin,person.but hor i always kenna forced to eat the sharks fin cos my parents always say dont waste the food,man its like eating Shit while i have to smile,eating happily(acting)in front of everyone. I Like the grand Entrance of my uncle & Aunt,look "Smoke,Smoke"so cool & cooling,reminds me of a scene in the lord of the rings episode 1,bad guy come then come out "smoke,smoke",see that baby?!?!?!its my Newest Baby Cousin,Named Joyce Chong Yi Xuan,ehhh still young so not really much hair,look at her hand!!!!,its so small!!!!the back ground of the stage is so shiny.Man!!!I cant wait for my new nephew!!!!


Jenny From The Block

hey,Yesterday i went to walk around(Wandering)the Paya Lebar Are then i went to take a look at the Canadian International School,there alot of Angmohs,its a old school lor looks so rundown,anyway i walked all around the place seeing the place,taking photos,but i wont be posting it cos i too lazy(got some Picturers Of Pubs,then outside got many women lol whenever i walk pass this kinda place it gives me the creeps.

Watch This MV i Like It ;p so touching :P
When Your Gone-Avril Lavigne

Jenny From The Block's Lyrics

Children grow and women producing
Men go working, some go stealing
Everyone's got to make a living

[Jadakiss:] L-O-X... J.Lo...
Yea, yea, yo, yo
We off the blocks this year
[Styles P:] Went from a 'lil to a lot this year
[Jadakiss:] Everybody mad at the rocks that I wear
[Styles P:] I know where I'm goin' and I know where I'm from
You hear LOX in your ear
[Jadakiss:] Yea we're at the airport out
D-Glock from the block where everybody air-forced out
[Styles P:] With a new white Tee you fresh, nothin' phoney with us
Make the money, get the mansion, bring the homies with us

[J. Lo:]
Dont be fooled by the rocks that I got
I'm still - I'm still Jenny from the block
Used to have a little now I have a lot
No matter where I go I know I came from (from the Bronx!)

[J. Lo:]
From "In Livin' Color" to movie scripts
To "On the 6" to "J.Lo" to this
Headline clips
I stay grounded as the amounts roll in
I'm real I thought I told ya (I'm Real)
I'm really been on Oprah (I'm Real)
That's just me
Nothin' phony don`t hate on me
What you get is what you see, oh

[J. Lo:]
I'm down to earth like this
Rockin' this business
I've grown up so much
I'm in control and lovin it
Rumors got me laughin' kid
I love my life and my public
Put God first And can't forget to stay real
To me it's like breathing, yeahh

[Jadakiss:] Yo, it take hard work to cash checks
So don't be fooled by the rocks that I got their assets
[Styles P:] You get back what you put out
If even if you take the good route
Can't count the hood out
[Jadakiss:] After a while you'll know who to blend with
Just keep it real with the ones came in with
[Styles P:] Best thing is to stay low, LOX and J.Lo
(Everyone's got to make a livin')




Today P.E was damn fun lah,i ran 2 rounds around the school with seng whye,we both non-stop talking about Starcraft,Starcraft real life & Starcraft real life brood wars,making the both of us laugh like xiao(crazy)thats where i got my energy from to continue the run,i think that we were the most noisiest pair lor,toking how dumb the videos,we both are Starcraft Fanz.we oso tok about the angry German Kid,retarded like how ****** **** is,so after the run there was this Sprint,Darnnit i Was last lor then this Mr Kwok say i no intergrity to run make me do 40 push-ups(Shoick Man!!!!)I mean i Was trying my best to run,is that Wrong?!?!!?I'm Fat ok?Then after my 40 Shoick push-ups,Mr Kwok Asked all of us to play Floor ball,i in Azlan's team(according to Mr Kwok),lol Daryl so funny he slipped down the puddle,the games,at 1st we were Dominating lor,then we trash the other groups like they wish they we never born until one grp(which i cant really remember whos innnit)managed to score cos daryl dodged the ball.soobs,soobs ;(then we all had LC(listening Comprehension)Has! i Got 16/20 Beat That,Majority i tikam tikam de :P,wowo 1st time see Mr Yeoh Flare Up(feisty)


Today I was A Bad Bad Bad Kid.Today scolded Ms Tan Again lol,give her attitude then she make me stand outside Class.Like i Care about her she said she tolerated me alot liao,count myself lucky for standing outside,lol i Aint need to watch the dumb Propaganda Shows.Lol Today So Many People took out their Shoes & Socks Walking Around the class bare-footed,leaving the soggy,full of algae shoes at the fans there to dry.has!!today all the results i got for my test was rather good,i even had my New South Wales Paper To Enter With A Grand Entrance,lol Jessie Leong say my name at 1st,then tell the class the clap,then i tot i reeally got distinction(wishful Thinking),then we all had this sets test,where darnnit i missed 2 questions!!Totally Blanked Out.So after School went to 2A to have a NPCC meeting & they organising some stuffs,so after the meeting i went to meet up with Dylan,Alanna,Alanna's Sis,Lee Qing,Nicole Ann,Teng Li & Melissa to do a Survey by Alanna's Sis.about CME,issit important?!?!?!?!well everyone of us felt that CME is damn not important lah Boring Crapshit


Dep Class

Yes!how was my presentation today arh?????it was about my niece & Nephews.lol made them watch scary movie 1,2,3,4,Shutter & Saw.while they made me & My Bro watch Hi-5.i live Sng's Presentation the most lor about his favorite Animal-Pigs!!!!!!!how was my presentation arh??????


Remember The Paast

well,today had English Paper 1 & 2 rather manageable lah.lol today Ong Bring some Primary One Photos of different classes.Azlan is tooooo ka-wa-i-neh!!!!!!but hor he so not look familiar lor some 1/1 people i know still look same,like Goh Ting Feng lol forever gangster.Still remember izzul Afiq :P tot me about the guy game(girls shouldnt know about it)LOL i Didnt even Know Selene & Nicole Ann Teo from the same P1 & 2 class as me lah, i last time damn anti-social.only remember some girls,still remember Pei Qi,Hui Xian,Pearly.....(Cant Spell Her Name)for the guys i know alot,like Dinnie,Irfan,Walton,Joel.........lol this picture is funny,& watch this video ,showed it to seng whye a few days ago,
Angry German Kid Enjoy?!?!?!theres many more lor think this German Kid is a bit Crazy( I Mean It)Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


Darn it left a few more days to the exam so therefore i have to keep this post short.(actually i haev nth much to write about so i change my blog song hope u gags would like it

Everything's Lyrics

You're a falling star, You're the get away car.
You're the line in the sand when I go too far.
You're the swimming pool, on an August day.
And you're the perfect thing to say.

And you play you're coy, but it's kinda cute.
Ah, When you smile at me you know exactly what you do.
Baby don't pretend, that you don't know it's true.
Cause you can see it when I look at you.

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.

You're a carousel, you're a wishing well,
And you light me up, when you ring my bell.
You're a mystery, you're from outer space,
You're every minute of my everyday.

And I can't believe, that I'm your man,
And I get to kiss you baby just because I can.
Whatever comes our way, ah we'll see it through,
And you know that's what our love can do.

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.

So, La, La, La, La, La, La, La
So, La, La, La, La, La, La, La

And in this crazy life, and through these crazy times
It's you, it's you, You make me sing.
You're every line, you're every word, you're everything.
You're every song, and I sing along.
'Cause you're my everything.
Yeah, yeah

So, La, La, La, La, La, La, La
So, La, La, La, La, La, La, La


Hey I'm Back

sry sry i long time never blog cos ehh was studying my exams/test i so good right????if i'm not wrong hor quite alot of things happened to me but i kinda forgot it.so i got nth much to write about,Damn lah i forgot what happened yesterday(see?study too much makes my head Dumb)see ehhh see i came to school early then had some lessons.played Ball(Yellow Rubber Ball) then Kenny took the ball away & played it with Jon Yan,Joel & some other Fucktards,then he dumb dumb & hit the ball to the Fan which caused a huge crack in the ceiling then Jon Yan,Joel & kenny keep on saying its ur fault hor i didnt do anything,they keep on pushing the blame on each other but the outcome was there Kenny Lost(as Always)then During Literature hor how was the group that i was in? arh? was it good?can pass?lol having Presentation that Me Wee non-stop playing the Toy Gun lol, The most interesting group was Nicole,Sally & Lee Qing's.Bird Shooting..........,so after the Literature i went to the back to take back home all my Books Arh alot lah,can even see some sec1 homework there.Then Me & N.N went to sweep the whole clss & see the Rubbish Accumlated epically from Dinnie & Azlan's table!!!oh yeah then i went home, On the Com & got this weird E-Mail by this woman named Ella B it writes here

Ella B

Jia jun C

Sep 21, 2007 12:31 am

Hello there

Well, are you having much fun? I hope you said yes, because I want to join in the action I'm single again, after a serious relationship ended recently. I HAVE to catch up on lost time and want to start dating again. Don't take me for a crazy lady. It's not like I'm randomly sending out messages. I was browsing the site for single, available guys. I liked your profile. I like my guys strong and silent! Just kidding ;-) I'm looking for someone who likes to relax, to listen to music and to go out. I'm attracted to intelligent, funny, kind men. I hope you won't be shy and that you'll contact me! Anyway, don't reply directly to this message... this is not my account. I borrowed it from my sister. Sorry for this. Please use my own e-mail instead at marysodownsky at yahoo.com. Thanks

Weird right?sounds like this women is really Desperate or Something.Anyway HEres A Iraqi Video to watch,Enjoy!!!