So After The Army Museum,MI Family & I Went Back To The East Side Of Singapore,To Go To This Restaurant To Celebrate Mi Grandmother's 69th Birthday!!!!!!Went To This Restaurant Full Of Crabs......Sell Many Many Many Crabs,Its SOmwhere Near Simpang Bedok,Beside It Is A Big BIg Big Long KAo(Drain),The NAme Of The Restaurant Is Called Big Eater,........So Everyone Had Their Hands Dirty Because Of The Crabs Xcept For Me Cos I Dont Eat Crabs!!!!Save Me The Trouble Of The Plucking...Dirtying Hands,Dude Their Totally Weird Walking Sideways Freaks!!!!!In The Photos,The Old Couple Is Mi Grandmother & Grandfather While The Baby Is Our Family's latest Cousin That I Have!!Joyce!!!,Still Got Alot Of Baby Fats,Actually There Was Suppose To Have 7 Cousin But 2 Of Them ,Their Family MOved To ChiCago,For 5 Years I Think So cannot See Them Lor,My Family Bought the Cake From The 1st Hans,There,Where It Began To Make It Busineess At Yishun Far Right????Too Bad The Cake We Bought,The ADults Dunno How TO Eat It Only The YOUNGER Generation Knows HOw To Appreciate Choco Truffle,All Excpet For Joyce Ate The Cake Lol