4 sep 2012

Special day ahead. Why? Cos i was working. And this job is special. Haha.

Its to be a calafare at mediacorp. Lolol. Impromtu job. Zhiyong last minute call me up wanna go be calefare then i said yes lor, since ive been staying at home for the past few days.

So, early in the afternoon, went to angmokio hub wait for zhiyong. He late... Zzzzz

So tool train to caldecott. Walk up caldecott hill, and mei bao, the mediacorp person, pick us up.

So we were given props. They were a school uniform. We were acting as school students. Hahaha.

Took some shots of us walking around, studying in class.....etc.

So we ended about 5 plus.

Shooting can be so interesting eh.

So went back to mediacorp there, i took a bus home. :)

Fun and learning day

The next day have another shoot.

Btw, the show is "on the edge", computer addiction.

Dunno how it will turn out. XD

3 sept 2012

Haha so long no blog again. Holidays le, holiday mood. Forgot about to blog. :p

So finally managed to install sims 3. Damn happy. Took me three days to install finish.

Other than tat, haha nothing much happened. Been playing games for the past few days. Shiok!


29 september 2012

Hahaha. So long since i blogged liao. Lazy, due to exams. Too much things in my brain, i just dont feel like blogging.

So yea! After exams liao. Can offically slack! Finish 3 papers, FARM, SM and RBB. :) sm n farm was doable. But tbb is chui. :(

So after exams, tradition, go bugis there eat steamboat with eunice, peiling and nelly.

I go there spam water.
Peiling spam rice.
Nelly spam noodles.
Eunice spam balls.

Hahahah. Had fun. :) go home nua and sleep. Shiok!


12 aug 2012

Hey yo. Long time no blog. Was so damn busy with my projects.

So today early morning go mindef. Fetch my bro, then go bukit timah there to climb bukit timah hill. Damn shagged. Almost blacked out.

Then went home and nuaaa the whole day. ;)
A well deserved rest after such a week.


25 july 2012

時間。時間太多,我們不珍惜。 時間太少,缺能以發現時間的重要。


"愛情是真的有期限嗎? 我們走得越近,缺模糊。"


23 july 2012

Spent the whole day doing project. Stayed with ys from 11 all the way to 7pm. Tired maxxed. Yeeswen is finally getting back to normal, beginning to open up. And thats good.

Bought a new earpiece from daiso. O no choice. Lost my earpiece. Sucks man.

"It's funny how the less you talk, the more you begin to realise it wasn't meant to be."

16 july 2012

Monday, went to school at 4. For obe reason. SM. went for a talk by mr wong's friend, eric i think. From Tangs singapore. Cool guy. Gave me 2 packets of pringles.

After that went back home. Study i guess

15 july 2012

Not so sure what happened. But this is it.

Went to changi city point shoppin. With my family. Bought a new shirt from g2000.

Then went to grandma house to relax.

Then went home. Guess thats it? Quite long already.


14 july 2012

Woke up at 3, so much of the day was already gone.

Didnt do much work.

Went to gardens by the bay, bay east with my family to do our jogging.

Jogged with my bro, jogged from bay east, then to marina barrage, then to bay south, then to Marina bay sands, then to bayfront station, then jogged back, guess thats about 8 to 9km i guess?

Saw alot of couples kissing, at those dark corners. Lol.

After run, haha went for supper to regain lost fats. :( at dunman road. Havent been there for 3 years i guess? Used to go there when my bro was still in tanjong katong sec sch. Rojak took 30mins, but was worth it.

Haha, this picture uploaded is my hand, which i had a cut while running. Freak accident. The cut is quite deep and long. Extends all the way to the back of my hand. Loss quite some blood, but still continued running. (Y)

13 july 2012

Early wake up, went to school for RP lecture. Listen at class, but didnt understand cos no notes.

So after that, went immediately to MR class see vincent low. Actually i find mr low not that bad actually la. He's just sarcastic and alittle asshole. But he's nothing compared to my secondary school teacher. My sec sch teacher, woa he's a real asshole.

Happy with my results for MR mid sem test. Amazingly i got 36/50. Like how did that happened??? I didnt even complete it. So yea. Of course im happy. I got a B. :)

After that, went to eat lunch with abigail at bus park. Wanted to go with her to Temasek green, suppose to go see zhiyong at his bunk. However, just suddenly remembered i'm suppose to meet mr william wong everyday at friday for help.

Went to meet mr wong. He gave me a test. He wanted to test my mental ability. So he opened the textbook, and gave me 5 pages to read. After reading he would test me.

So after reading, he tested me, by asking me one portion of the pages and asked what it was abt.
Was able to reply and answer him fully abd detailed.

Mr wong said he was damn shock that i could ans it easily, he said i could understand the pages in just 5 mins
He said i know how to study, and i can study wan. Hahaha. He gave me encouragement, and he taught me how he used to study in his nus days.

After meeting up with mr wong, called up andrea instead and asked her whether i can join her at temasek green. She said yes.

At temasek green, saw andrea, philrne, hilary, josephine, dave and lookie. Josephine dave n lookie left abt 5 mins after i entered, cos they need to report back to 1st avenue.

So at andrea room with andrea n philene. Asked her many questions, like how was tns.....

She said she was damn damn angry and pissed off with dominic. Cos dominic everyday sleep with jo. Then snore. She damn pek chek. Hahaha!
Apparently theres alot of scandals siol! But i didnt really asked futher. Couldnt care much. Then talked, yeeswen, how to help her, apparently no solutions was made. Fruitless attempt. Told andrea, how me, zhiyong and dom have not really met up le, and distancing. I wanted we 3 guys soon to meet up, andrea replies saying, zhiyong can wan, dom can forget abt it le. Lol. (eunice, if u get what andrea meant)

4pm. Went for the main highlight of te day! Class BBQ! :)

Class bbq was fun la, althou not alot of people thou. Alot last min tua us. But im fine,cos i can get to talk to those much more spontaneous people in class. Had fun. Hahaha. Especially at the last part, we played the idiot game.
We had a singing contest too.

Oh yea, bbq food was great too.

So, went home, webt back with serene lee, joel, sofya, nisaa, wilson and vanessa.

Took same bus with nisaa. Talked with her alot. Until her stop.

Went home, and sleep. First bbq with friend in like 5 years no alcohol. Thats good i think.

12 july 2012

Went to sch at 2 for cds, skipped mr lecture, cos waste time laZy, and got 6 hours break in between.

Cds, didnt do anything. Cher kinda warn me i have to buck up. So yea. Trying.

Went home chiong project. Alot to do, only managed to sleep the next day. Friday 4am.


11 july 2012

The day was boring as shit. Nothing happened. Good and bad. So neutral la.

So went to sch at 9.20 for farm project consultation.

Then went home nap.

Woke up at 7 plus, then did my collation of data for rbb. Driving me crazy.


10 july 2012

Tuesday, so had first avenue. Today i was the kiosk associate. :) sales target for kiosk was 130. Sales acheived was 115. :( so we didnt manage to get our commission and incentives. :(

Today with me was, my manager corrinne, my fellow kioskists, me andrew and stella. Had fun, as always, sold quite alot i guess, going around shouting lelong lelong. $2! $2!

During debrief, was nominated as best employee for kiosk. :) yay. Got my best employee incentives, which was $2 mcdonalds voucher from mr wong, store manager(wilson) and assistant store manager( serene lee)

So after 1st avenue, went to see mr sam tan, for another coffee session. Sainjipuaz.

He asked me to get my motivation back, and it is okay that i did not hit the target he set for me of gpa 2.5

So after the coffee session, went home w wilson.

Hey yun girl, sorry, didnt managed to see u wear the bag i bought for you. Next time i want to see okay?

And thanks for supporting me to buy the sweets yea? 3Q!


9 july 2012

Skip all the way to 9 july. Ur birthday leh, eun girl! Hahahaha! happy birthday! 9thjulyeungirl!

So... Mondays are shiok, cos i woke up at 3pm! Woke up, bath, prepare, then go eat dinner w brother.

After that, went for SM lec. Tried to not talk too much for lectures now on, gonna pay good attention to class. Must show william wong, i have the motivation to study again. Mr wong wishes to see the old jae back. Back when he was so hardworking and attentive in sem 1.2.

Eunice lost her itouch, then very sad hor. Wanted to comfort her more, but also wanted to prove to will wong i am paying attention in class. Dilema dilema.

So after lec, me peiling nelly n birthday girl went to tampines to eat.

Went to this, kungfu paradise. Service was shit. Greet every customer except for us. So yea, not gonna go there again.

Took some nice photos w my dslr. Gave eun girl my gift. A converse bag, black one.

So went to buy my taiwan chicken chop. Love it.

Then sent Birthday girl back home. And i went home.

Sorry i last week didnt blog much. Not enough time, was chiong apel boe manager report and marketing research individual journal. :'(

Oh yea. Eun girl dont sad abt ur ipod liao okay? :)


2 July 2012

Went to school, for boe. Celebrated vanessa's birthday.

Then went for SM class.

Went home, didnt go for track & field training. Lazy, cos no joyce.


1 july 2012

Alone at home today, cos family went to malaysia, and i lost my passport so i cant go.
Things to complete this week: MR individual report, Apel 2, BOE, RBB survey, MSP survey and my cds. :(

So went to meet up with jonathan and wencong, my secondary school friends to go to changi city point to cut hair. Then eat lunch.

Went to cut hair at changi city point. Aldrich mother shop there. She help me cut hair and jhoony. I trimmed alittle only.

Went home, did my work. Productive day. Found my passport lika finally.

Family cane back at 2am. Got my dinner and slept.

30 June 2012

Spent the whole day at home, why? Cos had to do homework. Dedicated the whole day to doing homework, cos lots of work are already piling up, and deadlines are coming soon.

Spoilt my earpiece, have to get a new one.
Lost my passport, have to go make police report and got to go ICA to make a new passport on monday. So waste of time.

29 June 2012

Had school. Until 3.

Then went to do my interview w wilson for the RMIG. Think it went well.

So, next up, went with abigail to isetan scotts to do mystery shopping proggrame. Service was shitz. The employee see us as invisible.

Then went with abigail to eat kfc tgth. Until 4.30, where she had to leave for work, while i went home.

28 June 2012

Thurs. went for MR lecture, fail 17 ppl only came. So little people. Well the lecture was okay laa, lecturer taught us how to do the mr individual report.

Got RBB results, 31/50. Okay la, but i know sucks compared to others.

Went for cds, now is assignment 2. So much things to do now. Now instead of choosing an era of fashion, now have to choose a fashion designer and brand. Well i decided to choose haider ackermann. Because his works very sophiscated, and easy to manipulate.

After cds, went to do my shooting for tp again. This time the film me doing my drawing, which took only abt 15mins.

Then went with eunice to ponggol plaza to eat. I ate kuay chap, she ate fish noodles.

Sent her home and i also went home.


27 june 2012.

Today, had farm tutorial. Sad life. Did badly. Did worse than andrew! That slacker also can get so high! :( must really buck up liao la.

So after that, went to meet eunice and husni at study room. While waiting for peiling nelly jo dom n lookie.

Went to century square to eat. U all copy cat! Copy me eat yong tau fu! Hahaha.

Then accompanied dom to buy his shirt, then go buy gongcha w peiling.

Then went for Rbb. Still dont understand anything. Slept thru it.

For todays' track n field, kinda disappointed. Cos i got "pangseh" by joyce and philene. They ran halfway then left....... Then left me. Zzzz

Today training was fun. Warmup was a round a bedok reservoir.

Then we did some conditioning, striding and jumping.

Trainin ended, and went to bathe at tp. Shiok! When body sweaty stinking and wet, then go there bathe, somemore got hot water, shiok only!
After that went home nua! No homework done.... Suppose to do BOE today, but i too shaged.

Oh yarh. I was angry at somebody today... Cos that person dont want to share with me her blog. >;(

26 june 2012

Happy birthday to joleen! :) she knows me so well, sent me a text during my birthday, saying, "how she knows what im feeling for her". So true. She knows shes been neglecting me, and miss me. Haha. She says its telepathy...

Okay so... 26 june 2012,
A really stressful day.
Why? Cos parents just fought and quarreled the day before, and now cool down period. Cold war.

So, dad fetched me to school. Tuesday, and im the store manager! Sm again, but this time im more streesed, cos this time im being graded. Unlike the previous time. But one advantage tht i hve, is that i have experienced, as a store manager so in more confident. I know what to do.
Had little sleep, cos chiong my manger briefing report!

So, me and some of the DMs reached first, to do our meeting. Kinda planned abit for briefings and blah blah.

So, 1105 everybody reached, started breifing. Did pretty or damn well, with the the ASM(joel) and DMs(crystal, serene neo, jesselyn)

Until.... Ccb jeff ho came and guai lan me, say, how could u start the briefing without me? ....-____- you late still come guai lan me! Ppl got a tight schedule to meet okay? Lucky we start early lor, just nice enough time, everyone had time to do stock check.

During operations, was rather smooth going. No hiccups at all. Except i got said by ms nuris for not paying attention to the comm book. ;/ apparel team, althou not alot, but still lots if things to be done, most recommendable is serene lee, can trll she very professional. Of cos! G2000 trained wan, just like me! Except shes my senior. For gifts and acc, nothing much, cos not alot of sales. But poor wilson, from gifts n acc jump to apparel jump to fitting jump to kiosk. He hardworking. ;)
Went to kiosk for about an hour, must REALLY REALLY commend kiosk sia! Damn professional! The kiosk people are, jesselyn, abigail, reynard and vanessa. They managed to hit 200 plus percent of my sales target! Good job! Went there, saw how the approach customer. Damn good, most is jesselyn. HOWEVER... One funny thing abt jesselyn is when ppl like ignore her or coldly reject her, she will scold them! Like, "dont be an ass! Or dont be a dick!" hahah. And she doesnt even know them! Tok gong! I know its not very professional, but deep down my heart i respect her. Something i abt do. Shes able to say things that she does not like, not like the rest of us, when we meet a crappy customer, we just keep it to ourselves.

Total sales was 580 dollars. Not targetted, but okay, cos i know ny class did well.

Farm was okay. Normal, dont understand shitz.

Then had to go home, to preent a ww3. Scared parents quarreled again, so i had to be there in case. However, they were okay already. Dunno what the heck happened before that. Well, dad helped mom to cut and peel the prawns. :)

25 june 2012

Today is 25th june! And thats my bitthday! Haha. Im 25thjunejaeboy ma.

So today woke up, saw twitter and fb alot of wishes. I love these wishes, but i lazy to reply them sia. Like have to keep thinking of replies, so this year i gave up. I just put "thank you. :)"

So went to school at 3pm for BOE waste of time, go class, jac tan say u may leave, take attendance can leave.... Go do ur goventure n report.... Yarh right... In the end also never do.

Then went for SM lecture with william wong! I love him man! He during morning sms me, wishing me birthday sia. Damn sweet of him. :) then he kelt saying my birthday during lec. Lol.

So, after lecture, eunice u all, celebrated me and shirley lookie's birthday together, with a lovely cake. I from peiling, from yamazaki. Cute. :)

After that...zzzzz.... Peiling gave me a present, wrapped in toys r us paper. So when i opened it, haha walah! It's a calvin klein underwear. Actually not that surprised, cos i know it long ago.
Haha, just act surprised! To make u guys happy la! But seriously! Bhb leh u all! Underwear! Not thick skin meh?!?!?

So, didnt went for any celebration shitz cos i went for training. Must go training, cos need to lose fats, and cos the ppl in track keep asking me to go. ;/

So for training, i did my normal la, like a normal run, then do striding, then run. Abt 8km? Dunno not sure, but damn tired. ;/ joyce and philene didnt really join me cos they decided to run on their own at bedok reservoir.

Went back home, told my parents abt the underwear, they like wtf? Ur frens ah maintain ah. Haha.

Then went to chiong my manager briefings, cos the next day i am the Store manager. Stressed!

And thanks eunice for all. :) what about the birthday card. Are u gonna show it to me? Dont let ur work waste. :)


24 june 2012

Sunday, 24th june 2012, its my mom's birthday. So celebrated for her birthday, shunbian celebrated mine also. So my bro brought us to this restaurant to eat a ala-carte buffet. Its at UE square, clarke quay. Each person $53.00, so ex, but my bro willing to pay, so yea. Its a shabu shabu buffet, japanese cuisine. Eat until damn full. Full until can literally see a tummy popping out. Ong. Fats. Ate like a hell lota beef and sashimi. Since buffet hor? Spam drinks too, spamed ginger ales.

So after tat, went home nua, and sleep!


23 june 2012

Woke up late today! Had a cds field trip, go look at fashion, cheongsams. Suppose to meet steffi and pebbles at 10am, but woke up at 9.30am! Omg haha. So late. So i rushed, bath and brush teeth same time, left home at 9.45. Quickly took a a bus to eunos to meet steffi.

Went with steffi to singapore national musuem, at bras besah, behind SMU. Went in so nice the place. 2nd tome i wen there thou. Wait for pebble at main entrance. So after most of us come, we went for the cheongsam exhibition. Saw many of them. Some quite nice, some very modern, and some damn oh biang.

Eun, if u wanna see the photos, u cab go my fb see, i uploaded it.

So after the cheongsam exhibition, we went to the national gallery go see Singapore history. All quite cool, especially the 1940s exhibition, cos i love the 40s.

Then went to the fashion gallery o see even more clothes.

Class dismissed! Me steffi and pebb went to raffles city to eat @ the soup spoon. First time went there to eat. Not bad, didnt expect soup can be so filling. And as usual, since im at raffles city, definitely have to go see my ex colleagues! Saw richard, nazri, charles, reyna, liqing, zafri and JENNY! Love hrt man! My favourite korean dunma!

After eating, we splitted up. I went to marina bay station, while pebb and steffi went shopping tgth.

Went marina bay to meet the xanthos ppl. Everyone was late! Mostly is shirlynn, the organiser was late 2 hes. So we all went to marina barrage and had a picnic tgth. They were, me, shirley look, bryan, zad, josson, shermeen and shirlynn. Weather was fcking hot. However, managed to take a few shots of the fly pass of some planes and helicopters. Worth it man.
Had fun there, until 6 plus, we left to go to timbre at old school, behind cathay.

While walking from dhoby gaut to cathay, saw prescella kwok. Haha, she went shopping, and bought a pair of cros shoes?!?!? Ewww. Hahaha.

So at cathay, met chong teng and walked up like a 6 story level of stairs. Up a hill to old school.
So at timbre, i didnt order shit. Didnt eat and didnt drink at all! 😂😂😂😂 why? Cos i had no money! Sad life. So everyone was enjoying, i just looked and told myself to tahan! At home got food to eat. So at abt 9 plus, parents were nearby, so they came over to fetch me. I left the party early, since they nearby, why not? Didnt see hilary there, cos she late. So i left. :( he had bought a cake for the 3 birthday kids! Haha. Me, 25th june 1993. Shirley look, 24th june 1994. And Chong Teng, 25th june 1994. Celebrate 3 birthdays at once. Alothou i left early, haha i appreciate them man. I love xanthos.

Oh yea, dapaoed a duck pizza home, parents paid of cos.

Went home, ate timbre's fuck pizza with curry vegetables noodles. Add in top, a bottle of umeshu relax choya sour plum wine! Shiok! I love choya!

So i guess thats all for today then. :) thats all folks!


22 june 2012

Had a very fun day. ;) No need to explain to u liao hor? Spent the whole day with you. XD

Okay fine, shall write what happened okay? :)

So, early in the morning, wake up to go to orchard for MSP, mystery shoppers programme. Suppose to do a msp survey for Calvin Klein Jeans & Underwear. Was the first to reach there, so went to topman topshop awhile, ask eunice to meet me there, say she dunno. Haiyo! So noob!

So meeted up afterthat, went to isetan scotts do msp. Level 2. Prepared alot of questions, but when i went to ask, walau, they dont sell male stuffs! Like damn shits la, cos my questions that i had prepared are for males jeans! Reached a stumbling block. So wnt to ask awkward questions, like, can guys wear girls.... Dumb right?

Okay so after that, we went to the zoo hahah. :) go angmokio eat chicken rice and u ate, noodles.

Then took bus to zoo. So after that, we bought tickets, $20 each. Go in there take alot of photos, watch alot of shows, and took alot of photos. Hahaha. Sure had alot of fun. Did you? So sad, didnt managed to see snakes and giraffes. :/ managed to see ur sunbear hor?

So afterthat, in the end went to serangoon nex eat carls jr. Nice? Eat until damn full hor! U waste food! >:(

Send u home, bus 43. Until ur house outside. Haha, dont let me send u up, so stubborn. Well, in the end still i send u up. I so sweet to you hor? :p

So, took bus 43 to... Angmokio ave 5. Then took bus 854 home. Walao damn fcking smelly! Cos of the indian smell lah!!!

Total time from your house to mine, took an average 35 mins? Not that bad la. Worth it okay? So dont feel bad about it.

So did u had fun today? Cos i definitely did. :)


21 june 2012

Today, early morning wake up, prepare go school for what? Go do my filming video for temasek poly. Suppose to be in a video and try to encourage secondary school students to join temasek poly. Met nelly there. She was the first there. So, after that did out filming at 1st avenue. The people who are filmed, from rmt are, me, nelly, chelsea, and joanne. I was the only guy, as always.

I was the first person to be filmed, why leh? Cos i was the only guy. :( stressed sia. My whole shoot took about 40 mins, which exceeded by about 10 mins. Why leh? Its cos i was damn nervous and i couldnt remember my lines. I seriously had a hard time memorizing just afew sentences. Had alot of NGs. Thankfully, the director and cameraman was very patient with me. Althou i made alot of mistakes, they just say,"its okay, keep going" i felt like i wasted their time sia. Heng they never scold me. :') so after that, finally dis finish my scene, was joanne, then chelsea, then nelly.

At the 1st avenue, there was also 2 students from law. One of them, a girl named geradine i think, super look like nelly. Except she had short hair. Then later nelly say, "that girl look like me right?" i said yea! Then nelly said " she last time same sec w me, then everybody say we look alike, take photo like twins." hahaha.

Okay, back to video. The video, hope it would turn out nice. Hope my teachers in shss would see me and know that im alright. :) thats the reason why i wanted to do this video. I wan to let them know, that this punk, has changed. :) we asked ms christine ng, when would we get to see the video, she said by the end of july. Hope to rmbr and see it! Me and nelly cant wait!

So after the filming, me and nelly helped out ms nuris at 1st avenue o do some price tagging and visual merchandising.

After that, finish helping at 1, went to kfc to eat. Shiok sia the new pepper 2 piece chicken. Spicy but nice, however the meal like not worth eh. Slack w nelly until 3 plus then went to tamp mall n century square walk wall, wait for peiling to do their msp.

Then we 3 went to raffles city to do msp, while i went to g2k to see my ex colleagues, so long never see them. Saw richard, charles, liqing, reyna, zack and jenny! Miss Learning korean from jenny dunma(sister). Then the two girls go in the ck there dot dare talk, only i do the talking. They wanted to buy the red underwear for me. Haha. Then we went to the female section, and planned what would fit eunice the most. We felt the red bra and panty would fit the most. So she can stand out ma. Bright! Can show off right eunice? Hahaha.

Then after that, went to buy some snacks cos peiling keep on wanting to eat chewy junior. I bought the chilli crab flavour chewy junior. Was a toal waste, couldnt taste abit of crab at all. After that, we all splitted home. Me and nelly went to our respective homes, while peiling went back to school for band camp, :)


20 june 2012

Today, early morning wake up, feeling so refreshed, co i was all pumped up to do my MR individual report. However, after seeing the requirements, energy fell to 0%. So much things to do, instant turnoff. Damn sain. So in the end wasted the whole time watching youtube documentaries about the rise and fall of rome. Haha i love history.

After that, went to training at school. Today was a very fun day. Firstly, we all had to do our 2.4km time trial. I joined the slower grp, cos i know i cmi wan, not as fast as the rest. So then, went to run my 2.4km. Totally tired like mad. Legs were just running, brain kept telling myself, "2.4 nia, 2.4 nia!" so after running, my timing was 11 mins, 50 seconds! Damn good for my standards. 2 years ago, my timing was 13mins 50 seconds, which was a just passed. So i guess w this timing, i got a B for 2.4k nafa. Althou slower than the others, i know i did a good job. :)

So after the nafa, we played games, seniors and juniors tgth. We played frisbee, which was fun, cos everyone was playing enthuly. played 2 matches and the first game was a win, second a draw.

Then went back home, took bus 15 w conrad.


19 june 2012

Today, had a video briefings for the shoot this friday. Only ppl i know that went there was nelly. Had some briefings on what to wear, what to say, what to bring etc etc.

So after that, went w nelly to eat lunch thgt. We 'debatted' on the equality of male and females. Naturally i won haha.

She said, you guys are all the same, always look at chioubus. Then i reply her back, being beautiful is a sign of good health. If the girl skin is good, it means she healthy. And when shes healthy, she gives birth to healthy kids! Thats why we guys want beautiful spouses. Its cos we want beautiful kids! Right? Hahaha.

Then she asked, would i date joy, i said hell no. Then she say, see? Cos she like that, thats why u dont wan her.

Then i replied, would you date dom? She said no too. So? Arent we the same? We are all superficial people! Hahah. So dont come complain say guys only care abt looks okay??

Accompanied nelly until her grp came, for proj meeting, which was peiling and the rest. Peiling first thing saw me, scream and say she ytd saw alot of db buff bois haha.

After that, went home nua! Watched a 1998 movie, "the truman show" by jim carrey. Damn, such a nice show! And watched "its kind of a funny story" by zach gilafinakis. Love these two guys man. :)


18 june 2012

The only thing interesting, and worth talking about today is, my track & field training today. Today was a tough day. Somemore joyce n philene didnt come to training, so i was kinda alone. Lucky had crystal, evangeline, xinjie, wenjie, bryan... Etc there, that i wasnt that lonely. Haha, the three girls, crystal evageline n crystal scolded me for skipping last weeks training. ( was at pulau ubin)

Today training is just shiong, why leh? Its to prepare our 2.4km run on this wed. First was a 6 rounds(2.4km) lap at the stadium. Then after running, had only a 10 min break, then we did 2 sets of continous running. On avg, i jogged abt... 4km per set. So...i jogged in total, for the whole training is about qqqqqq10.4km. Which is hell lots lor. However, my speed damn slow. Still got alot of catching up to do! Thus wed 2.4, must pass!! :)


Father's day. So how did u spent ur eunice? :)

So.. I spent my fathers day by going to my cousins house for a house warming at ponggol, quite close to ur house. Went there eat buffet and talk w cousins.

After that, about 5 plus went to grandma's place to celebrate fathers day. Had a so called western buffet, had like sphagetti, dory fish, chiken A a fun time talking abt the times we all 6 cousins had in the past. Sadly bro had to leave early to camp, n had to take cab to jurong. #sadarmyboy91 so after that, stayed, talked w cousins until abt 1030 the go home. Gotta go home, n relax, tmr gotta go sch for cca @ 6pm.

So eun, how'd u spent ur fathers day? Dont tell me working hor! >:( heres a random photo of me w my ahgong gat. So i can be #farmerboy93

To my dearest stalker.

Hi, to my dearest stalker( you know who), thanks to you, i am blogging again. dont know if its a good thing or a bad thing. somehow, i feel like im talking to nobody. haha. so...long time since i've blogged. not so sure how to blog already. :/ definately wont blog frequently like last time(3 to 4 years ago). shall see how things goes okay? stalker? :)