20 june 2012

Today, early morning wake up, feeling so refreshed, co i was all pumped up to do my MR individual report. However, after seeing the requirements, energy fell to 0%. So much things to do, instant turnoff. Damn sain. So in the end wasted the whole time watching youtube documentaries about the rise and fall of rome. Haha i love history.

After that, went to training at school. Today was a very fun day. Firstly, we all had to do our 2.4km time trial. I joined the slower grp, cos i know i cmi wan, not as fast as the rest. So then, went to run my 2.4km. Totally tired like mad. Legs were just running, brain kept telling myself, "2.4 nia, 2.4 nia!" so after running, my timing was 11 mins, 50 seconds! Damn good for my standards. 2 years ago, my timing was 13mins 50 seconds, which was a just passed. So i guess w this timing, i got a B for 2.4k nafa. Althou slower than the others, i know i did a good job. :)

So after the nafa, we played games, seniors and juniors tgth. We played frisbee, which was fun, cos everyone was playing enthuly. played 2 matches and the first game was a win, second a draw.

Then went back home, took bus 15 w conrad.