26 june 2012

Happy birthday to joleen! :) she knows me so well, sent me a text during my birthday, saying, "how she knows what im feeling for her". So true. She knows shes been neglecting me, and miss me. Haha. She says its telepathy...

Okay so... 26 june 2012,
A really stressful day.
Why? Cos parents just fought and quarreled the day before, and now cool down period. Cold war.

So, dad fetched me to school. Tuesday, and im the store manager! Sm again, but this time im more streesed, cos this time im being graded. Unlike the previous time. But one advantage tht i hve, is that i have experienced, as a store manager so in more confident. I know what to do.
Had little sleep, cos chiong my manger briefing report!

So, me and some of the DMs reached first, to do our meeting. Kinda planned abit for briefings and blah blah.

So, 1105 everybody reached, started breifing. Did pretty or damn well, with the the ASM(joel) and DMs(crystal, serene neo, jesselyn)

Until.... Ccb jeff ho came and guai lan me, say, how could u start the briefing without me? ....-____- you late still come guai lan me! Ppl got a tight schedule to meet okay? Lucky we start early lor, just nice enough time, everyone had time to do stock check.

During operations, was rather smooth going. No hiccups at all. Except i got said by ms nuris for not paying attention to the comm book. ;/ apparel team, althou not alot, but still lots if things to be done, most recommendable is serene lee, can trll she very professional. Of cos! G2000 trained wan, just like me! Except shes my senior. For gifts and acc, nothing much, cos not alot of sales. But poor wilson, from gifts n acc jump to apparel jump to fitting jump to kiosk. He hardworking. ;)
Went to kiosk for about an hour, must REALLY REALLY commend kiosk sia! Damn professional! The kiosk people are, jesselyn, abigail, reynard and vanessa. They managed to hit 200 plus percent of my sales target! Good job! Went there, saw how the approach customer. Damn good, most is jesselyn. HOWEVER... One funny thing abt jesselyn is when ppl like ignore her or coldly reject her, she will scold them! Like, "dont be an ass! Or dont be a dick!" hahah. And she doesnt even know them! Tok gong! I know its not very professional, but deep down my heart i respect her. Something i abt do. Shes able to say things that she does not like, not like the rest of us, when we meet a crappy customer, we just keep it to ourselves.

Total sales was 580 dollars. Not targetted, but okay, cos i know ny class did well.

Farm was okay. Normal, dont understand shitz.

Then had to go home, to preent a ww3. Scared parents quarreled again, so i had to be there in case. However, they were okay already. Dunno what the heck happened before that. Well, dad helped mom to cut and peel the prawns. :)