23 june 2012

Woke up late today! Had a cds field trip, go look at fashion, cheongsams. Suppose to meet steffi and pebbles at 10am, but woke up at 9.30am! Omg haha. So late. So i rushed, bath and brush teeth same time, left home at 9.45. Quickly took a a bus to eunos to meet steffi.

Went with steffi to singapore national musuem, at bras besah, behind SMU. Went in so nice the place. 2nd tome i wen there thou. Wait for pebble at main entrance. So after most of us come, we went for the cheongsam exhibition. Saw many of them. Some quite nice, some very modern, and some damn oh biang.

Eun, if u wanna see the photos, u cab go my fb see, i uploaded it.

So after the cheongsam exhibition, we went to the national gallery go see Singapore history. All quite cool, especially the 1940s exhibition, cos i love the 40s.

Then went to the fashion gallery o see even more clothes.

Class dismissed! Me steffi and pebb went to raffles city to eat @ the soup spoon. First time went there to eat. Not bad, didnt expect soup can be so filling. And as usual, since im at raffles city, definitely have to go see my ex colleagues! Saw richard, nazri, charles, reyna, liqing, zafri and JENNY! Love hrt man! My favourite korean dunma!

After eating, we splitted up. I went to marina bay station, while pebb and steffi went shopping tgth.

Went marina bay to meet the xanthos ppl. Everyone was late! Mostly is shirlynn, the organiser was late 2 hes. So we all went to marina barrage and had a picnic tgth. They were, me, shirley look, bryan, zad, josson, shermeen and shirlynn. Weather was fcking hot. However, managed to take a few shots of the fly pass of some planes and helicopters. Worth it man.
Had fun there, until 6 plus, we left to go to timbre at old school, behind cathay.

While walking from dhoby gaut to cathay, saw prescella kwok. Haha, she went shopping, and bought a pair of cros shoes?!?!? Ewww. Hahaha.

So at cathay, met chong teng and walked up like a 6 story level of stairs. Up a hill to old school.
So at timbre, i didnt order shit. Didnt eat and didnt drink at all! 😂😂😂😂 why? Cos i had no money! Sad life. So everyone was enjoying, i just looked and told myself to tahan! At home got food to eat. So at abt 9 plus, parents were nearby, so they came over to fetch me. I left the party early, since they nearby, why not? Didnt see hilary there, cos she late. So i left. :( he had bought a cake for the 3 birthday kids! Haha. Me, 25th june 1993. Shirley look, 24th june 1994. And Chong Teng, 25th june 1994. Celebrate 3 birthdays at once. Alothou i left early, haha i appreciate them man. I love xanthos.

Oh yea, dapaoed a duck pizza home, parents paid of cos.

Went home, ate timbre's fuck pizza with curry vegetables noodles. Add in top, a bottle of umeshu relax choya sour plum wine! Shiok! I love choya!

So i guess thats all for today then. :) thats all folks!