25 june 2012

Today is 25th june! And thats my bitthday! Haha. Im 25thjunejaeboy ma.

So today woke up, saw twitter and fb alot of wishes. I love these wishes, but i lazy to reply them sia. Like have to keep thinking of replies, so this year i gave up. I just put "thank you. :)"

So went to school at 3pm for BOE waste of time, go class, jac tan say u may leave, take attendance can leave.... Go do ur goventure n report.... Yarh right... In the end also never do.

Then went for SM lecture with william wong! I love him man! He during morning sms me, wishing me birthday sia. Damn sweet of him. :) then he kelt saying my birthday during lec. Lol.

So, after lecture, eunice u all, celebrated me and shirley lookie's birthday together, with a lovely cake. I from peiling, from yamazaki. Cute. :)

After that...zzzzz.... Peiling gave me a present, wrapped in toys r us paper. So when i opened it, haha walah! It's a calvin klein underwear. Actually not that surprised, cos i know it long ago.
Haha, just act surprised! To make u guys happy la! But seriously! Bhb leh u all! Underwear! Not thick skin meh?!?!?

So, didnt went for any celebration shitz cos i went for training. Must go training, cos need to lose fats, and cos the ppl in track keep asking me to go. ;/

So for training, i did my normal la, like a normal run, then do striding, then run. Abt 8km? Dunno not sure, but damn tired. ;/ joyce and philene didnt really join me cos they decided to run on their own at bedok reservoir.

Went back home, told my parents abt the underwear, they like wtf? Ur frens ah maintain ah. Haha.

Then went to chiong my manager briefings, cos the next day i am the Store manager. Stressed!

And thanks eunice for all. :) what about the birthday card. Are u gonna show it to me? Dont let ur work waste. :)