HAs! long time got no NPCC parade liao

jus come bck from NPcc, lets start from the begining,i had oral exams which was rather okok,wonder hows Sharon & Dylan's hand now lor After the oral i had A wonderful time of Push-ups My MAXium HA its 130,make me tired till i cannot tahan lor my hands feel like they werent born at all :P too bad for N.N & jon Yan they cannot go for the Kayaking Course on mli me & zheng liang going for the Kayaking Course ,after the npcc, i saw something, i cat with the coil around it, i think it was lost somehow this the pic :P dude while surfing the net i saw some guy went to record Benjamin's song from Campus Superstar 2 u listen & ssee how pro he is Go SHSS!!!!Ms Yew's motto-Once A Hildan, Always A Hildan