Malaysia trip

hi!!sry i didn't blog for Saturday cause i was at Malaysia fishing.I went with my whole family,including my cousins & relatives. total got 19 people.our destination was at Malaysia,Sibu Islands.My mom was the host for this trip cause she said that every1 needed a break from work.all 19 people went together,our transport?was 2 mini-buses to bring us to the port then we would take our boat to the Kelong(some of the ppl might not know wast this so i m saying this in English[a Kelong is in Malay & it means, a wooden house in the middle of the ocean,for fishing]) i took us 1/2 hr for boat to reach the Kelong. when we reached the Kelong,every1 would take their stuff from the boat(NOTE:The boat is not a nice cruise its a small wooden boat like those in Pulau Ubin)after going to our rooms(There were no doors to close)we put our stuff on the area & we went Fishing!!!!!!!lol we caught lots of the small fishes those in the Nasi Lemak,we at least caught 50 over of them lor,then at night,me,Guozhong my bro & Janson played mahjong in English like from ZI MO, become touch yourself!!!!!its damn funny lor,playing mahjong in English.Aiyah i too lazy to write out the whole report so i jus end it here.