1St Dae of the School :p

Soooo,todae was the 1st day of school rather boring just like any normal day xcept the fact that our time table has changed & some new teachers teaching us.It was so rush for time early in the morning lor!i woke up at 6p.m Choing for everything to prepare,tot Abrie would reaach Scholl damn early,she was going to pass me ther homewrk for the holidays assignment(cause i nver even went to the E-Learn Portal)When i reached school, she wasn't even there lor(make me wake up so early)But still lucky i managed to get my math & science papers in time.THX for charging it free.then during class Mdm low/loh was substituted by another teacher,Miss/Ms Nur.rather average but her face make me feel very Dull & mundane dunnno why.So after school,me,Ekans,Zhongbu,Jordan,Abel & Sngs went to KRTC to play China man DOTA!!!! :p