SPCA Again

SPCA Again!!!! so... i went to SPCA yesterday again, of cos to play with Donut & Tatanina!!!!! So.... Still Donut still likes to bite my hand....Tatanina still likes to scratch & chew onto my hands,its like my hands is like luncheon meat(James Should Know The Answer). So I Became Good Friends with the pets there,its true,i was there for 2 hours but i alreaady saw 3 kittens,2 doggies being abandoned & sent to the SPCA, sad thing, I remember one dog was like whining away cos it knew the owner was gonna leave it....so sad...Kittens are rather dead(Guess They Couldn't Care Much) lol. While,look onto the bright side,i saw one dog being adopted,you guys(Guys From 3E) still remember 2 siberian huskies being locked up together?? 1 Of them was taken away,which was the Dark brown & Brown one,its so excited when it was walking out of the cage lor,it was like when the owner put a leashed on the dog,it was like dragging very strong lor,so i said goodbye to it & petted it,licked my fingers which i had to wash my hands again...there was a group of dunearn students,think its like a school excursion,then hor this guy went to irritate one of the dog,scolding them to shut up & like raising his fists, i was so damn pissed cos i was playing with donut & then he go agitate them,so i stand up & scold him lor then he diam diam lor....
Oh Yeah i will be going to SPCA every Monday to play with Donut & Tatanina maybe Jewel,Tiger,Guiness,Ida........Feel free to Go to SPCA...give the pets there some company.Also You can arrange with me cos I know the personal there,it'll be much easier to make arrangements. Woof! Woof! Meow! Meow!-Signing off! __
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