The study at Mac!

HA we(ME,DARYL & Dylan) went to mac after goin to Daryl the home played with Shasha!wen reach de mac we saw the gaydog-kenny & zhengliang with ah long,shi hui, sharon..........ha then some of them espicallly the gay dog left. then me,Daryl,zhengliang,shi hui & sharon we left to study but i didnt study at all dunno y i even go lor!......then we saw Daryl the gay fren calling him when they are onli 2 metres apart so diao lor. wah those 2 gurls tok & tok till the guy opposite us so so shock asking questions like hoe to spell ******* .
this is 1 of the pics of daryl n sharon playing sharon fingers:) its been approved sharon dosent mind that i post this pic!!