BB Mr Rashidi!!!

....WHY?!?!?! Why Why Must you leave Mr Rashidi?!?! YOu HeartBreaker,You Make 36 kiddos heartbroken when we all heard that your leaving...its all because of the damn book that inspired you to change your job!!!! Damn That autohor Damn That Publisher Damn The Author For creating That Dumb Book!!!!! Hope You Will Enjoy Your Job,If Not 3E will always welcome you back straight away!!! PLEASE teach us English :( .
So Today We 'celebrated' your farewell party so damn sad,'PREPARE TO CRY!!!' I liked the video lol Mr Rashidi's speech "my labguage only L1R5 What" Hai hai wonder when mr rashidi will come back again. So We All had a mango cake which i had 2 servings. lol wei cong had 9 servings of the cake, there were like alot of people but that never eat so had alot of leftovers. Mr Rashidi's speech = mushy mushy mushy ewwwww lol. So who is our new English Teacher?
wonder wonder wonder. MR RASHIDI IS THE SHIZZ!!!!
ALWAYS REMEMBER YOU MR RASHIDI( hope i dont get short term memory)
for your sake i will try my best to do my english! L1r5 Nia....



So...Today is 080808,today is the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympics wonder how will it be like??? Any ways good luck to the Beijing Olympics. Oh Yeah today the funfair did anyone saw cui lao shi??? She look alot much better with that hairstyle lor....So the funfair was rather boring but it was like alot times better than last year's funfair which was utterly pathetic. LOL i just dont understand Miss Winnie Goh's Stall,$1 For 1 Hot-dog,& $2 For a Hot-dog with a bun,so...the bun costs the same as a hotdog, $1....lol Then at the games,WAH LAO Mr Syed,Shane Kwok DAMN PRO LIKE DAMN PRO(not sarcastic). Shane Kwok is expected But mr syed?!?!?! See him wear specs like nerd nerd type one....never expect so pro at soccer. lol captains ball got Lim Chin Huat ,Mr Sharil......

& Hey Hey Look At One Of The Doggies I'm Looking after, I Tought Ida turn around in circles,Cool Right?!?!?!?!?! Had To Teach the dogs there not to bite(they think its fun,while some just hates humans). This Is Ida,its a girl...quite good....not very noisy,just give it a scratch its already comforted. I Feel so proud I Also Taught Donut & Guinness to jump & Stand But i Think Their Previous owners already taught them how to stand le...i sacrificed alot hor,at 1st they kept biting me which hurts like hell,i have 1 scar done by Guinness on my legs,dont know how it bled lah,it managed to bite through the pants.....

Then,Today me & Joel was walking to the interchange we saw this guy stealing something,its not much but this old faggart was stealing soil & fertiliser from this tree....wtf is this????? so cheapstake?!?!?!?! its just SOIL uncle,not GOLD.....typical Singaporeans......

& Tmr Is National Day!!!! YAY YAY YAY! Not Really that Happy.....benn Doing This for 15 Years, The National Day Parade Is Like Propaganda everyday tok about Singapore's achievements blah blah blah......at least theres a school holiday on Monday Better Than Nothing....