I told So Many Lies Yestersday.....Yesterday was the little Kiddos(sec 1s) CCA Orientation Day Or CCA Chosing Day,I Tell You Arh It Was Chaotic Chaos!!!!!!!Espically The Band Hor Play Play The Drum Then March 1 Army Like Gang Fight!!!!!!Marching All the way,Then HOr NPCC Got The PE Porch,That Was OUr Corner,Display Of NPCC Stuffz Like Guns Which It Takes So Long Then You Can Use It,NPCC Ranks Blah blah Dont wan tok about it much Sick & Tired Of The Dumb ETIQUACKS! So I Wore My Full-U,Without Mi New Badges! NVM Cos i See others All Like One Die ONe Die,Pinning them up till i Scared.So HOr When The Orientation Started Le Hor I Tell U All,Can Seroius DIE! Screaming Screaming,Somemore Band INfront Of the Entrance When All The Sec 1s Coming OUt.Amanda ONg Looked So Dumb But It Fitted Her Well,That Piece Of Paper MAke HEr lookmLike a Dumb Ass,Got One Small Boy Walk Pass Hor Then I Heard The Boy Say The Girl(Amanda Ong)Looks So Funny. Taking The Loudspeaker Was Totally Fun Lor Me & Clarence OIne team,Scream Like Hell Till Sorethroat,Screaming The Same Old Words Time & Time & Again-"Join NP...............,NP Loves YOu" Then Go Around Saying NP Loves YOu,Its More Like Zacki Loves Pumping You All! Then HOr The N.N So DMN sLACK Just Stand At The Fence There Rotting!!!!!!!!!Slacker Slacker Slacker Slacerx 1000000000000000..........,Well,At Least Kzl Oso Got Help,Lol We All Go To The NCDCC ThE Red Rhino There & Shout Dont Waste Water(Aljilansha's Idea)Then I WEntt To ask Tan Jing YI's Little Sis To Join NPCC But NO,Dammmit She Joined NC,Cos Sis There Too.The Jing Yi Hor Keep Trying to Steal My Short,Cute,Innocent(You Name It All) CustomersZ!!!!!!!Lucky Clarence Dragg Her Away At The HAll,The Results The We NPCC Got Was 26 New recuirts.21 Boys,5 Girls,Actually Mr Sham Was Aiming For 30 People But 26 Not BAd Not bad lah If We Got S.W.A.T Come To OUr School Carpark Sure Win Win The Lah Next Year Its Ym Batch's Turn To Organised This,& I Know What to Do Liao Muhahahahahahahahahahahahah,& I Just Found OUt Long Quited Handbell........But HOr I Duuno This But I THink The New Recruits All Like Damn.......Somehow,like those proud & Annoying leh,Dunno Lah Maybe NPCC"s Love Might Change Them!So After The The Selection,Yong Jie Gave Me Free Gift!The NCDCC Handphone Pouch!So Nice Lor,1 Of My Plan Next Year Of Organising The CCA Choosing Is If The Free Gift We Could Make A Mini-Policeman cap!COOL!!!!!Or ThE NPCC Uniform But NCDCC Got The IDea Liao.& KZL,Dont Say I Never Blog Le Hor,Its Just From Now On I NOw Not So That Free,Got A Maths,E Maths & Music Classes,HEy Zacki! If U Got Read This Post Hor,Do Note Down About The Ideas I Have!But Not To Worry I Have Alot More Ideas,Like Since We Having A Crime Scene Investigation Course,Maybe Next Year We Could Have A Crime Scene!!!Ops Casnnot Reveal Tooooooo Much,I Just Have Alot More iDeasZ!!!!Muhahahaha